Creative Dundee

They are the Evolution

We just wanted to give a heads up about the good folk at Evolution and Us. Not only are we really grateful that they’ve covered the first Pecha Kucha Night in Dundee (thanks guys!), we also want to point out that they have an interesting graphic design blog, well worth a look.

Originally started out by friends who wanted to keep in touch as they went their separate ways into the world of graphic design; the founders have evolved the blog into something now much bigger: they showcase their own/other’s work; they feature graduate and industry interviews; and give us/each other an insight into what they are doing at their respective Universities and graduate lives.

Although we’ll be in touch with everyone who came along to PKN to ask for feedback; their PKN blog post is really useful to help us understand what worked and what we may need to tweak for future PKN events. We were really encouraged to hear that the use of twitter throughout the night made people feel more engaged – which is a great thing indeed. I’m sure there is also a ‘guess the twitter profile’ picture game in there somewhere too!

Most of the Evolution and Us group are currently studying at DJCAD in Dundee, so if you are interested in getting involved with them, we’re sure they’d be delighted to hear from you!

Keep up the good work guys!

Evolution and Us:


Twitter: @evolutionandus


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