Creative Dundee

Amplifying and Connecting the City

News & Events


Hapworks_00 Coworking Days

Come along to Hapworks_00 for a monthly Coworking Day, make connections and get some work done in a relaxed and welcoming space!


Lughnasadh Music and Art Festival

Forgan Arts Centre and Big Rock Records join forces to bring a new music and arts festival to the Newport-on-Tay centre’s lush grounds and gardens!


Open Call: Scottish Working Class Network

The Scottish Working Class Network are searching for three Dundee-based creatives to take part in their first event outside Glasgow.

All News & Events Articles

Community, Justice & Wellbeing

Pecha Kucha Night

Watch some PKN talks

Original Features


Blog: Press Change

Gemma Nicol and Lisa Williamson from hidden route reflect on their time facilitating Press Change – a pilot youth community journalism project led by Creative Dundee for Dundee’s Changemakers Hub.


Hapworks: What’s Next?

We are excited to announce that our pilot space, Hapworks_00, will continue to occupy 7 Castle Street!


Blog: Space for Sounding and Listening Together

2024’s Amps Community Ideas Fund recipients are Becca Clark and Su Shaw with DDCR – Dundee Community Radio! Find out about their project idea.

All Original Features

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PechaKucha Night Dundee Vol 29. Photo: Ben Douglas.

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Our work is about shouting out, connecting and supporting the unbelievable creative talent all around Dundee. We lead collaborative projects which generate local, national and international opportunities for people and the city – to support Dundee’s strong creative ecology.


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