Creative Dundee

We run regular Amps events throughout the year for people to meet-up, get ideas funded and grow our community.

We meet regularly to share news and discuss how we can collectively have a positive impact on Dundee’s creative scene. 

As well as meetings and networking events, we have an online forum on Facebook to share inspiration, ideas, discussions and challenges. Amps are also often invited to support the development of Creative Dundee’s projects and ideas, through focus groups and consultations.

Regular Amps events

One of the benefits of being an Amps supporter is access to the regular events we run throughout the year. These are great opportunities to meet and connect with other Amps, as well as find new collaborators and develop ideas for the Community Ideas Fund. You can share news and upcoming opportunities, get behind the scenes insights into all the different things that Creative Dundee is developing, and simply get together, celebrate and reflect on the work that we all do to benefit the city.

Amps Breakfasts (online)

Next up: Tuesdays in autumn 2024

9:00am – 10:00am

On Zoom

Amps Meet-Up

Next up: summer 2025


Amps Forum

Next up: Spring 2025


“Amps is an invitation to become part of a community.

[…] There is something very special in this city, and Creative Dundee has an unique place within that and is the linchpin in a lot of those relationships

[…] and that invitation to people to become a supporter and be part of something, is quite distinct, and I think very smart.”

Beth Bate, Director of DCA

Amps Breakfast

Our regular online Breakfasts are a great opportunity to keep in touch with each other, share updates on what we’re doing and talk about what’s happening across the city!

We host two ‘seasons’ of Breakfasts a year, where we meet on Zoom on Tuesday mornings from 9:00–10:00am, with information emailed to the network in advance. They’re a chance for our community to connect and have small group chats around different topics. Each Breakfast also features Open Your Drawers where someone in the community shares their workspace, studio or practice with us. If you want to talk about your work or give us a virtual tour, we’d love to hear from you!

We also look forward to bringing everyone together in the same room again soon, and to hosting in-person Breakfasts around the city. Take a look at some of our previous Breakfasts!

Amps Meet-Ups

Our Amps Meet-Ups are great mixer events for connecting with new people, sharing ideas for the Community Ideas Fund and finding new collaborators in the city!

Join us for a social evening and hear inspirational talks from other Amps about their practice, visions and creative ideas. There’s also a chance to (randomly) meet with new people and catch-up with old connections. See some previous Meet-Up photos!

Amps Forum

The Amps Forum is also where you get to vote on the Community Ideas Fund! Each year, Amps can team up to pitch new creative collaborations with positive social impact that benefit the wider city. Approximately 50% of your Amps subscription goes towards the fund, with everyone in the network voting to decide which project will receive support. Funding and voting is open to all Amps, wherever you are.

For more information on how to apply and to see previously awarded projects, visit the Community Ideas Fund page.

Join the Amps Network


If you’re a freelancer, sole trader or student

£40/£20 per year or
£4/£2 per month


Business or organisation

£100 per year or
£10 per month

Pay It Forward

Pay what you like to
support Amps and the
creative community
in Dundee.

When you join, your subscription is set to renew automatically each year but may be cancelled within PayPal at any point, or you can contact us to adjust it for you. If you would prefer to be invoiced or would like to discuss a different form of support, just let us know!

We acknowledge that the cost could be a barrier to joining the Amps network, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us as we might be able to support your subscription, thanks to people choosing to pay it forward.


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