Creative Dundee

John Thackara in Dundee


John Thackara is a world leader in finding solutions for sustainability, transformation, social innovation, design thinking and strategy. 

We are delighted to hear that he is coming to Dundee to take part in two key sessions which you can join him at – the first is a salon event brought to us by Fleet Collective; and the second is a lecture talk, brought to us by Design in Action. Please read on to find out more…

Salon Three with John Thackara: Can creative energy be better harnessed?
Brought to you by Fleet Collective
Monday, 2 December 2013 from 10am to 1pm 
Dundee Contemporary Arts

A collaborative approach to curating a resilient creative ecology. The primary aim of this action research project is to achieve a fresh understanding of the city’s creative community, its micro ecologies and its complex fragilities.

Fleet is proposing that there are a number of conditions that enable a creative community to thrive and have identified three ‘building blocks’ that play an important role in creating those conditions: Values (why do we do it?). Energy (with what?). Balance (and how?)

Their third salon with John Thackara will look at what type of energy does a healthy creative ecology need?

Tickets free, but must be booked in advance, here.


Alive! When social innovation meets living systems (in the city)
Brought to you by Design in Action
Tuesday 3 December 2013 at 6pm
Dalhousie Building

John Thackara, founder and Director of Doors of Perception, will talk about the large investment of resources which keep cities and nature separate, and what it would mean if that were about to change.

There is now a shift from high-entropy concepts of infrastructure to a focus on living systems – from eco-boulevards to pollinator pathways. At the same time, a multitude of local communities are innovating new tools and platforms that enable people to share the provision of food, mobility, care, and learning.

Taken together, these new ways to meet daily life needs are the seedlings of living local economies. John uses his personal encounters with energy angels, wind wizards, watershed stewards, urban farmers and more to start a conversation: What are the opportunities for Scotland? Can design-led innovation amplify change?

Tickets free, but must be booked in advance, here.


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