Creative Dundee

First Thurstday #3 (with important info)


First Thurstday Event #3. There is something important to note about this months event, if you miss this I will repeat at the end – we are NOT going to be in the DCA this time around, we will be re-locating to the Sensation Cafe down the back.

This change of venue has the unforeseen up side of refreshing our monthly bribe from pastries to muffins! We have also been a little more organised this time and we will have some pre-arranged speakers but don’t worry if you are only coming for the coffee and casual chat we wont let them speak too long! I can also promise there will be no Game in Scotland T-shirts in sight!

So here’s that reminder: NOT the DCA but SENSATION down the back. See you there!

Event: First Thurstday #3
Location: Sensation Cafe, Greenmarket, Dundee
Date: Thursday 2nd April 2009
Time: 8.30am – 10.30am (not strict, just pop in between these times)

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