Dundee’s NEoN Digital Arts Festival is Scotland’s only festival dedicated to all things digital across performance, moving image, music and technology driven arts. It is back for 2011.
Now in its third year, the festival’s theme is collaboration; and in this spirit there is an international helping of Danes, a dash of Finns and a nip of Icelanders involved in 2011! NEoN really has a distinct Nordic flavour and visiting artists will be landing in to Dundee to perform, collaborate and share with festival go-ers from our own wee north nation.
During the 7 day festival, there are many free events (like Geocaching with prizes!) taking place and a great feast of locally grown talent being showcased – including ‘Move Sound Together’ a collaborative installation piece (at NEoN HQ – aka Chamber East) between 5 artists which combines interaction, movement and light; and promises to be a real audio visual sensory experience.
There is way too much to highlight in one post, so here follows just some of the many festive activities happening from 6th-12th November. Check out the Festival Programme online and hard copies will be available from all usual outlets from Monday, 31st October.
Some highlights:
6th Nov – NEoN Digital Fun Day – a family friendly day, full of opportunities to make movies and be a pop star for a day.
8th Nov – Day programme still be announced. Pecha Kucha Night Dundee – volume 1 at night!
10th Nov
11th Nov
12th Nov
13th Nov – Sigur Ros’s film Inni is another highlight, brought to Dundee specifically for NEoN. The documentary follows the band’s performance, captured by French Canadian director Vincent Morisset.
More details about the full programme here: http://www.northeastofnorth.com/festival/programme and tickets (where needed) can be found here: http://neon.eventbrite.com