Creative Dundee

Mobile Museum – Luxembourg

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Dean Brown is a designer and graduate from DJCAD, now based at the incredible Fabrica studio in Italy. After reading Dean’s email to us to say how he missed Dundee (it misses you to Dean!) and that he watched the videos of our Pecha Kucha night; how could we resist but tell you more about his great mobile museum project… So here it is below, word for word – if you do want to submit something to be showcased internationally, please note the deadline for receiving work is Thursday 9th February 2012. We wish Dean and Philip all the best and look forward to seeing the final museum collection soon!

We would like to invite you to contribute to the MOBILE MUSEUM No.5 which will be staged at the Mudam, the foremost museum dedicated to contemporary art in Luxembourg.

The MOBILE MUSEUM, by Fabrica designers Dean Brown and Philip Bone, is a travelling museum, with contents contributed by people from all over the world and from different backgrounds. Unlike a conventional museum, the collection is always changing and evolving depending on its location, with the location itself dictating the theme.

THEME & CONTRIBUTIONS: For this event we want you to make or find items that fit with the theme of MONEY. Your interpretation of the theme can be very personal, ambiguous, specific, funny, profound, whatever. Contributions can range from small ephemeral printed material, to found objects, photographs, small sculptures, industrial products, posters, postcards and sketches. It doesn’t need to be anything particularily fancy – we think a lot of small things will make a big noise, when they are brought together in the same exhibition. To see examples of our previous MM events, and guidelines for contributing please visit our website.

DEADLINE & POSTAGE: If you wish to contribute please package well, and send to the following address with a name and short description about why your piece relates to the current theme of MONEY. The event takes place from 11th February – 6th June 2012, therefore the deadline for receiving submissions is Thursday 9th February, which can be sent directly to Mudam.

SEND CONTRIBUTIONS TO: Anna Loporcaro, Mudam Luxembourg 3, Park Dräi Eechelen, L-1499 Luxembourg, +352 453785535


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