As big fans of Scandinavian design classics, how could we resist but tell you about Wormit-based Klassik Mobelkunst?
With an admirable aspiration of enabling artists and classic furniture dealers to market and sell their designs for free, founder Jon Christie says that many aspiring artists are already benefitting from this new online platform. Klassik Mobelkunst is becoming a valuable resource to more and more artists and businesses each week since its launch.
There are some brilliant vintage pieces on the site (rosewood cabinets for me please if anyone has a spare 700 squid!), but even if you are not buying it’s worth a look for reference images; and you could always sell your work through the site too.
Jon is currently studying product design at Dundee College and has a real passion for furniture and lighting design – the bottom image here shows one of his recent projects. Jon is keen to hear from others in the Creative Dundee network with similar areas of interest and we hope to see more Dansk inspired pieces from him soon!
Check out, buy and sell your work: www.klassikmobelkunst.com