We hope you’ve had a chance to check out Creative Dundee IncorpoRated, a guide to our creative and cultural city, crowd-sourced by you – people living, working and studying in the area. We wanted to share some of the many excellent quotes and contributions received, which we simply couldn’t fit into the final 3 page guide!
This poll was a really fascinating piece of research for me, a creative Dundonian – one of the many who have seen the city totally transform over the last few decades. Apart from asking for your top places to visit, restaurants to eat in, retailers to buy from and more; Creative Dundee also invited you to tell us what makes the city so great. Overwhelmingly, the recurring themes were: people – the creative ‘just get on and make it happen’ mind-set; the compact size of the city; and of course the sunshine. These key features all add up to make our special creative place.
We hope you enjoy the quotes and responses to the questions we polled, below. We aim to update this guide regularly, so we will be back to ask for your views again soon. We’d love if you can link the guide on your own website or social networks and would be keen to hear if it’s a useful resource.
A huge thanks must go to the 72 individuals who contributed to this guide, without whom it wouldn’t have been possible to create this Dundee-first. The will, time and energy shown by everyone contributing really proves what makes our city so great, the people are the absolute business! Thank you.
Above – Top places to visit: The larger the word means the more people suggested that place. Click on the above image to view in large scale.
Above – Top buildings / architecture / must-see landmarks: The larger the word means the more people suggested that place. Click on the above image to view in large scale.
Above – Top cafes / bars / restaurants / clubs: The larger the word means the more people suggested that place. Click on the above image to view in large scale.
Above – Top independent retailers: The larger the word means the more people suggested that place. Click on the above image to view in large scale.
Above – Top walks and places to hang on a sunny day: The larger the word means the more people suggested that place. Click on the above image to view in large scale.
Above – The best things about Dundee: The larger the word means the more people suggested it. Click on the above image to view in large scale.
Some of your submitted comments about what makes the city so great:
The people! welcoming and friendly (especially in all the places mentioned above!). So much mutual support from artists/makers/creatives. Lots of collaboration, creative energy, innovation and ambition, community spirit!
Small town feel but with an exciting community of artists, not too expensive to live in!
As a creative person- I love that Dundee has so many facilities and interesting things to see and do within such a concentrated area. Everything’s within walking distance- and being the country’s sunniest city, it’s usually great weather for a stroll!
Friendliness. Sunniest city.
The size of the city is great, its not too large but not to small either. The city has undergone huge (and continuing) change and this has created a vibrant and forward thinking city. Dundee has a great arts and music scene as well as great attractions and nightlife.
I love the river. It dominates the landscape and acts like a mirror on sunny days, dazzling the city in bright light. Dundee is the sunniest city in Scotland….fact.
Creative history and future. Hard working sense of pride.
It doesn’t take long to walk about Dundee. The creativeness. Dundee promotes such a creative way of life and thrives on the art school culture.
Dundee has a vibrant art and music scene that is welcoming and very proactive. There is a great DIY mentality where artists do not necessarily rely on what is on offer but decide to put events on by themselves.
The Tay, the views, cycling, the DCA, the pedestrian parts of the city centre and the University. A lot of places being in walking distance. Exciting plans and projects by the Council and Uni and other local creative groups.
Everything – it’s a wee city which is compact and so friendly.
There are some wee gems among Dundee’s shops. Exchange Street is home to a number of intriguing little shops. The Cheesery has a great selection of different cheeses and its friendly staff are always willing to give recommendations. Just along the street, Big Bairn Books is home to Dundee’s famous Beano and Dandy annuals. The Perth Road is home to most of the city’s independent shops. Start with Grouchos to find some second hand musical treasures, then spend ages wandering around the DCA’s shop for unique jewellery and quirky interior design. Keep travelling along the Perth Road, right into the heart of the student community, for lots of different and interesting shops to explore.
A massive thanks again to all the anonymous contributors and to those who were happy to be named, including: Nikki, Anna Orton, Lyall, Dylan Drummond, Barry Conlon, Lynne Duffus, Karen Nichols, Morbhen Rattray, Ian McKay, Sonia, Leona-Jayne Kelly, Sarah Fleming, Stewart, Jill Skulina, Kelly Fairweather, Gillian E, Lorri Smyth, Duncan Barton, Nicola Reed, Elaine Wilson, Erin Ward, Kate Pickering, Kris Ward, Nick, Simon Graham, Karen, Smita, Tara W, Lynn Schreiber, Beth, Georgia Yates, Anna Rathband, Daphne Groves and Alison.
Download the 3 page guide to creative Dundee here: Creative Dundee IncorpoRated