Anthony Baxter is the award-winning director of You’ve Been Trumped, also produced by Montrose Pictures, which was named best documentary of 2012 by Mark Kermode of the BBC, and which won 10 other awards around the world, including the at the Hamptons International Film Festival. The film was released theatrically in the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada and Australia, and played on the BBC 2 to large audiences (well over a million viewers), and later on Netflix, and also on television and cable in the United States, Canada, Sweden, Israel, New Zealand, Australia and other countries. The film was the subject of favourable reviews and coverage in all British broadsheet newspapers, and also the New York Times, Los Angeles Times, the Village Voice, and Variety in America. It was one of the last films reviewed by the late Roger Ebert, who gave it the thumbs up. Baxter also has numerous credits as a director and producer on Channel 4 and the BBC. @antbaxter @adgmovie @trumpedmovie. Video from Pecha Kucha Night Dundee Vol 10.