Dundee based SUPERKINGS presents RIPPERZ, a group show of Artist Bongs in any medium. SUPERKINGS is a bi-monthly zine and collective interested in seeing the artist’s own interpretation of how a bong should look.
Functioning OR nonfunctioning. Carefully crafted and decorative OR a melted Irn-Bru Bottle and hose pipe – leaking hash juice. Ceramic downstems and triple chambered cooling systems OR poisonous plastic pipe bowls. As they say – “Variety is the spice of life!”
The importance of DIY is hugely important for this show. It is lo-fi, accessible and varied. A wee break from the serious side of art making.
Taking these functional objects out of smoke-filled bedrooms/living rooms and into a gallery environment highlights the craftsmanship of these cosmic instruments.
SUPERKINGS is available to check out and buy here.