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The RSA and HLF are co-hosting a Heritage Question Time event in Dundee on Thursday 28th January 2016. This will include panel debates and questions from the audience, using the recently launched Heritage Index as a useful focus.
Dundee ranked as the top Local Authority area in Scotland for its heritage offer in the Heritage Index. Emerging above other Scottish cities, Dundee scored consistently higher than the bigger cities on parks and open space, industrial heritage and museums, archives and artefacts.
Building on a working definition of heritage as ‘Anything inherited from the past that helps us, collectively or individually, to understand the present, and create a (better) future’, the panel event will consider new and meaningful ways of connecting people to heritage and place, and the role of heritage in building distinctive and sustainable futures.
Join this event to discuss how Dundee, as top scoring area in Scotland, can build upon its strengths. How can Dundee improve its reputation across Scotland, allowing it to play a cultural leadership role for the country. How does Dundee make sure that the vibrancy of change within the city benefits all of its citizens, not just those within certain sections of the city or population? And how can Dundee better connect to its hinterland in order to value the interaction of the urban and more rural?
Discuss these questions with local experts, research leads, Fellows and the wider public. The event is free, but you must register to attend.
Prof Mike Press, Chair of Design Policy at DJCAD, University of Dundee (Chair)
Lucy Casot, Head of HLF Scotland
Gillian Easson, Director, Creative Dundee
Adam Swan, Director, Dundee Historic Environment Trust
Mike Galloway, Director of City Development, Dundee City Council
The Heritage Index: Scotland
Heritage Question Time Dundee
6pm – 7.30pm, Thursday 28 January 2016.
RSS Discovery Point, Dundee.
Register to attend here.
Follow on Twitter using #heritageQT and read more about the Heritage Index.
Header image: Scotland’s Jute Museum @ Verdant Works. Credit: Erika Stevenson. Image from the Dundee Shared Image Bank.