Creative Dundee

Jack Wrigley PKN

Jack Wrigley is an artist, photographer and theatre maker. He is a co-founder of Glasgow based arts collective 85A, with who he has built a mechanical orchestra, a submarine cinema and a giant people crusher. Jack was director of photography for Judd Brucke’s silent industrial horror film CHERNOZEM. This has recently been screened as part of the Montreal Underground Film Festival and L’Étrange Festival in Paris. Jack was part of the award winning design team for Untitled Project’s – Paul Bright’s Confessions of a Justified Sinner and has worked with this company on The Salon Project, Cain’s Book and The Eye, which he co-directed and designed. Currently Jack works at a roller disco and is making a a book of writing and photography titled Touching Fingertips to Cracked Lips (and No No). He is part of the design team for Scottish Dance Theatre’s new work Velvet Petal.


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