Creative Dundee

Visualise your city

Print Festival Scotland, the annual celebration of print based art, are coordinating a large scale print project at Dundee Design Festival. Having secured a large space to fill printed work, the team will curate an abstract installation from hundreds of card shapes. This city scape will be built throughout the duration of the festival.

Organisers are looking for individuals to engage with the project by populating the surfaces of the city with their drawings and installations in sessions on March 18, 19, 25 and 26.

Print City’ – Visualise, Draw and Design your City

Print Festival Scotland invites you to participate in the design and production of a printed city within the former DC Thomson print works at West Ward in May, as part of Dundee Design Festival 2017. Dundee has a rich history and vibrant culture in Print and Printmaking that will be celebrated in this project – as we explore collectively the relationship between the City and Print.

Open public sessions will begin with drawing and model making workshops that invite you to visualise your personal experience of the City. Your images will be used as the basis for the printed designs that will populate the final large scale immersive installation at the West Ward Building

All are welcome to participate and help design the city. The sessions will take place between 1-4pm on March 18, 19, 25, 26, In Centrespace, Lower Ground, Visual Research Centre, Dundee Contemporary Arts. For more information visit


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