Entrepreneurship with Elevator UK // Workshops

In advance of the launch of Elevator’s second Centre of Entrepreneurship and Business Accelerator within the University of Dundee Campus, Elevator (in collaboration with Business Gateway and the University of Dundee) will host three free workshops in Dundee – looking at some of the themes covered in their intensive 12-week Accelerator Programme. Book your place in each of the workshops here.

Elevator is a social enterprise dedicated to supporting entrepreneurs, business leaders and employees. They do this by providing business advice, office space, and encouraging entrepreneurship and enterprising through a range of projects and events across Scotland.

The topics of each workshop are:

1.      Idea Generation and Design Led Thinking // August 2nd

2.      The Business Model Canvas // August 9th

3.      Pitching and Presentation Skills // August 16th

If you have any queries, please contact Elevator’s Accelerator Manager – Dundee, Andy Campbell via Andy@elevatoruk.com or call 07973 286432.