Creative Dundee

Ceramics Workshop Fellowship

Dundee Ceramics Workshop has announced the availability of a new membership tier: the Dundee Ceramics Workshop Fellowship.

Running alongside the standard membership, DCW hopes it will foster a community of ceramic artists having open access to facilities that are currently unavailable elsewhere in Dundee. The selected artists will be able to use the workshop without the restrictions of the volunteer schedule, and to store work at the studio, allowing for time and space to develop more complex pieces and bodies of work.

Fellowship places will run for three months at a time, with the possibility of extending this membership for up to six continuous months.

Applicants should have confidence in their abilities and understand that they will have access to the space when no studio technician or committee members are on site. In-depth guidance in specific techniques and one-on-one tuition are available, but will be subject to a fee and must be scheduled in advance.

Apply here.

Cost: £150 for three months

Availability: four places – two of which will be for sculptural/fine artists, and two for artists whose practice is applied art/design-led.

– 24-hour access to studio
– Designated storage space for work
– Designated storage space for materials
– Discounted rates on courses and workshops that occur during the Fellowship period
– One medium sized bisque firing per month (pre-determined space within kiln)

 Application deadline: Monday 14th May 2018, 5pm


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