Creative Dundee

Tell us 99 things to do in Dundee!

For the last 4 years, we have been crowdsourcing some local wisdom on the local spots in Dundee that are just unmissable. The last guide was extremely popular, as you might have seen it popping up in local venues, and it played an instrumental role in welcoming & informing visitors to the city of the many amazing things Dundee has to offer. See the 2018 guide here!

The guide gathers some amazing things happening in Dundee, from the kinds of things you tell visitors about when you want to show off the city to the things we discover after years of being here and then wonder how we lived without them! Whether you are brand new or think you’ve seen it all, we think you might like this guide…

For this resource to be truly relevant we need the help of as many people as possible! If you can spare a couple of minutes, please fill the form below with the key places and things to do in the city that should not be missed! The more people who pitch in, the better the 2019 guide will be!


Here’s what was on the list last year!


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