Creative Dundee Update

In light of recent Government advice around the escalation of the COVID-19 Coronavirus we understand that many of you will be concerned and feeling uncertain at this difficult and unprecedented time.  The Creative Dundee team will be working remotely from home until further notice however, we aim to provide as much continuity as possible over the coming weeks. Whilst a number of our planned events will now not be going ahead, we are looking at what can still be delivered in new and innovative ways and at how we can provide a space where we can all keep connected, talk and reach out. 

We believe in the strength of Dundee’s creative community and urge you to keep in touch and share your news, thoughts, any digital content and activities and your experiences and stories. Please do not hesitate to ask for advice and support from us and the wider community when needed and we will continue to share information as and when we have it.

In the meantime please stay safe and help look after the most vulnerable in our communities. Further updates will be posted across our social media channels.