It’s more important than ever that we make creative ways to listen and share how people across the city are experiencing Dundee at the moment, so we’re bringing We Dundee back! Hundreds of people have visited the website since its re-launch on 18 May, posting personal thoughts and opinions in response to the question ‘What’s been surprising about your Dundee during these times?‘.
In 2013, We Dundee brought citizens together to hear what surprised them about Dundee and what they’d love to see happen in the future. Over the following years, many of those ideas took place as activities, projects, and events across the city.
Gillian Easson, Director of Creative Dundee, explains:
“We want to hear about the people, places, and values which have shaped Dundonians’ experiences during the global Covid-19 crisis.”
“The second stage will focus on what people think the city should prioritise as part of Dundee’s recovery plan coming out of lockdown. It’s our intention to share all of the information with the organisations involved in the city’s recovery plan”
We Dundee 2020 has been initiated by Creative Dundee and UNESCO City of Design Dundee, supported by Claire Dow, Clare Brennan and Jennie Patterson. The platform is designed by Agency of None. You can follow it on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
“We’ve designed it to be a really easy and enjoyable process. People are asked to write out a short message, then choose from a series of colours and patterns to design their own unique post. Every submission is saved on the wedundee.com website and can be shared on individuals’ own social media accounts.”
said Annie Marrs of UNESCO City of Design Dundee.
Councillor John Alexander, Dundee City Council, said: “We Dundee is a fantastic platform that helped engage thousands of people across the city in 2013 and so re-energising the platform for a new purpose is equally as exciting.” He continued “In 2020, We Dundee puts the voices of citizens at the heart of that conversation once again. This type of citizen engagement is invaluable as we plan for the future together.”
Below are some of what’s already been made at We Dundee. You can make yours and then share it with #WeDundee – reimagining the future will take all of us!