Creative Dundee

Announcing The Full Picture Artists

The Full Picture is a Creative Dundee project supporting artists in and around Dundee to conduct short term research and create pieces in response to the barriers that exist in the creative industries.

We’ve been inspired with over 40 applications from extremely talented makers in the city, so much so that we will now be supporting four artists instead of three as we initially set out to do! The selected individuals work in different practices and over the next few weeks will each be focusing on different areas of research.

Their findings and artwork will be widely shared at the end of the project, on our website and beyond. The Full Picture artists are:

Jaimini Jethwa

Jaimini is a writer and filmmaker with short films screened at Edinburgh International Film Festival. She is also a playwright, having written the acclaimed Last Queen of Scotland and more recently Hindu Times with The Royal Lyceum. @jaiminijethwa

My research will focus on exploring the aspects of change for ethnically diverse women in theatre and the challenges in terms of cultural background and class.

Kaya Fraser

Kaya works mainly with analogue photography, archives, and amateur home movies. Looking at celebrating the forgotten practices of ‘The Everyday Archivist’. While interested in the ‘everyday’ archives that exist in a working-class home, she tries to encourage remembrance to highlight accessible culture and heritage during times of austerity. @theeverydayarchivist

I am very keen to explore the great examples of recent studies and reports looking at fair accessibility in the creative industries and bringing them to Dundee to apply my own perspective and research to the mix.

Rhiannon Mudaliar

Rhiannon is a director and artist. Her focus is on powerful stories, gorgeous visuals, and using her work to amplify and discuss the experiences of marginalised groups. @QueenRhiThe1st

My work for The Full Picture will discuss the barriers which young artists of colour face as they make Dundee their home while examining my own connections to the city, its history, and its place within my identity as a mixed-race artist

Josh Moir

Josh uses drawing, mixed media and printmaking to investigate the world around him. Using a variety of creative methods he examines his relationship to society and his place within it. @joshmoir

My research will focus on investigating the barriers that Dundee creatives face by interviewing both current creatives to find out what has driven them and enabled them to continue making, and ‘lapsed’ creatives to find out what their difficulties have been

Keep up to date with the projects through #TFPDundee and by following Creative Dundee on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.

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