Creative Dundee

We Dundee

During lockdown in May 2020, We Dundee returned to ask the people of Dundee to reshape our city’s future for now and for future generations. We asked ‘What’s been surprising about your Dundee, during these times?

The responses received were incredibly varied – poignant, funny, innovative and full of gratitude. They covered many topics including; the outdoors, Dundee’s sense of community, and looking after health and wellbeing – all responses can be viewed online here.  

We’ve created this short report and spreadsheet to share all responses categorised into themes, which include: 

Outdoor activities – 39%. Culture and community – 28%. Health and Wellbeing – 17%. Local business – 10%. Indoor activities – 6%

Ideas came from all over Dundee and beyond, with people visiting the website from around the world. Thanks to our partnership with Dundee City Council, We Dundee posters have been filling our city’s billboard spaces throughout the pandemic.

Following this initial question, We Dundee then asked residents to ‘Reimagine Dundee. What needs to happen next?’, all responses can be viewed here!

We are supporting We Dundee to happen as we believe that recovery plans need to reflect our experiences during lockdown, what we value most, and the many diverse voices that make up our city. We Dundee is more than just a survey, it’s a way for citizens to visually communicate their thoughts and opinions.

We Dundee has been initiated by Creative Dundee and UNESCO City of Design Dundee, supported by Claire Dow, Clare Brennan and Jennie Patterson. The city poster campaign is supported by One City Many Discoveries

Please visit and share: as reimagining our future involves us all! 

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