Creative Dundee

TFP2: Coast

The Full Picture #2 has been a Creative Dundee project in partnership with the Gate Church Carbon Saving Project. Tilda Williams-Kelly was one of the artists chosen to respond to the theme of accessibility in local climate justice movements.

Tilda’s artistic response to this project, Coast, is a series of mixed media paintings on canvas that combine to represent part of the coastal line of Dundee. Drawing inspiration from abstract expressionism, movement, and weather conditions like wildfires, flooding, drought, and the sun; Tilda is conveying the complexity involved in attempting to answer the question of building a local and collective climate movement.  

In her blog in response to the project, Tilda explains: “So how can we build a local and collective climate justice movement? I don’t have an answer for that question, however, it’s clear that with empathy for each other, understanding and engaging however we can, can we begin to deal with this. Resist the urge to be convinced your voice does not matter, don’t accept the fate of the planet and remember who the real culprits are.

You can find out more about Tilda here, and read her blog as part of The Full Picture #2. Be sure to also check out last year’s TFP and the artists involved.

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