Creative Dundee

Biome Collective: Grant for Digital Creators No. 2

Open Call: Digital Creators, Biome Collective have announced the second round of the Biome Grant is open to applications!

Biome Collective is a creative studio, community and co-working space for people to create, collaborate and explore new frontiers in games, digital art and technology.

The second round of the Biome Collective Grant for Digital Creatives is open to applications. Designed to support Scotland-based digital creatives from any under-represented or marginalised background**. This round will see three creatives each supported with a no-strings-attached grant of £500.

This grant is intended to support any creative practitioner who could make use of a small lump sum to support their practice. Biome trusts that participants will make use of the money in whatever way makes sense to them, whether that be purchasing materials, developing an ongoing project, upskilling, replacing an old or broken laptop, or paying their rent and bills.

In addition to the grant, successful applicants will be offered a completely optional Biome Collective membership, providing access to a community with a range of experience and connections that may be useful. The collective has generously put together a report based on the first round of this fund that reflects on and provides the background, inspirations and intentions behind the existence of the grant.

Biome Collective have deliberately ensured that the application form is simple to complete and will take as little time as possible on behalf of applicants. To apply; fill out the application form or email your application in a format that suits you by 7 January 2022.

** Under-represented or Marginalised background refers to; LGBTQIA+ folk, people of colour, working-class, disabled, women or any other group under-represented in digital creative spaces, mainstream and independent.

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