Creative Dundee

Open Call: Riso Soup Misprint

Riso Soup have just launched their newest Open Call, and are inviting submissions for a new book and exhibition exploring misprints and serendipitous errors.

Riso Soup, a Dundee Risograph zine collective, are off to Bristol in September to take part in IMPACT 12, an international printmaking conference. They’ll be showing off their new book and exhibition, MISPRINT, while they’re there and they want you to take part!

The new exhibition will be site specific, using misprinted pages from the books production – which will be a Riso printed, perfect bound beauty showcasing the talent of Riso Soup artists. They’re inviting submissions for the publication and exhibition now. Some general themes to explore include: misprints, mistakes, serendipity, growth, progress, metamorphosis, variations, and change.

The exhibition will also be popping up in Dundee later in the year, so keep your eyes peeled!

Deadline: Thu 30 June

Riso Soup is a sister project of Dundee Print Collective, specialising in Risograph printing projects. Working with Dundee Print Collective and Dundee Contemporary Arts Print Studio, Riso Soup have made 11 Riso publications and print projects since 2014, spanning a wide variety of subjects and styles. The eclectic ‘soup’ of members is ever evolving, often including students and artists new to printmaking – Risograph is a great entry point. They attend zine fairs around the UK and Europe, distributing members’ zines, and have also worked with artists to create co-editioned works. During the pandemic, Riso Soup ran two online open call projects called Pick & Mix, where two colour print submissions were produced in small editions and sent back to their creators by post, along with a selection of the other artists work, in the spirit of a socially distanced ‘zine swap’.

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