Creative Dundee

The Ignorant Art School: Sit-in #3: …But There Are New Suns

The Ignorant Art School exhibition and event project returns to Cooper Gallery for Sit-in #3 from Turner Prize nominated collective The Otolith Group.

Cooper Gallery’s critically acclaimed five-chapter exhibition and event project The Ignorant Art School: Five Sit-ins towards Creative Emancipation returns for its third iteration with Sit-in #3: …But There Are New Suns; the first major exhibition in Scotland by Turner Prize nominated artist collective The Otolith Group.

Founded in London in 2002 by Anjalika Sagar and Kodwo Eshun, The Otolith Group practices modes of digital image-making, exhibition making and discourse making that seek to activate the chronopolitical potentials of differentiated futurisms. Sit in #3: …But There Are New Suns approaches the politics of time through its engagement with the poetics of temporal reconfiguration, focusing on two installations: What the Owl Knows (2022) and O Horizon (2018). 

The exhibition will run from Fri 13 Oct – Sat 16 Dec. Join Cooper Gallery on Thu 12 Oct, 6-9pm, for a preview of the exhibition and a conversation with artists Kodwo Eshun, Anjalika Sagar, and Ranjana Thapalyal.

Sit-in Curriculum #3 – DXG: The Department of Xenogenesis

Alongside the exhibition, Cooper Gallery will present a public event series in collaboration with the Department of Xenogenesis, a time space enacted by the Otolith Group. The curriculum of events is an open invitation for interlocutors to think together critically.

L’École du soir Cinéma

Inspired by Ousmane Sembène’s concept of cinema as ‘night school’ for collective study, Cooper Gallery will transform into a temporary cinema over four evenings of screenings of moving image by The Otolith Group. Each screening will be complemented by audio recordings from The Otolith Group and responses from invited artists and writers in Scotland.  

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