Creative Dundee

Opportunity: Create:Networks

Supporting emerging and established local creative networks as enablers for sustainable creative communities in Scotland.

We’re delighted to invite applications for Create:Networks 2024/25 – a fund to help groups, organisations and creative practitioners build local creative networks as enablers for sustainable creative communities in Scotland.

Networks weave vital webs of connection, strengthening the collective through mutual support, skill sharing and knowledge exchange. Often informal and grown from grassroots, these communities provide space to gather together, find momentum, face challenges, share values and demystify processes. Creative networks benefit from local as well as industry knowledge, centring collaboration over going it alone – and strengthening not just active community participants but our places and the wider creative ecosystem, too.

The Create:Networks fund will resource both new and established local creative networks to build, grow and sustain themselves, alongside accessing peer-sharing and network development support. Each network will develop a 12-month programme of activities that will enable creative practitioners and businesses to establish greater sustainability through connections, opportunities and exchange – channelling the support of the fund throughout creative communities across Scotland.

Key information

This fund is open to groups and organisations based in Scotland. Applicants must be able to make a clear and compelling proposal outlining how they will aim to build and grow a local creative network that will support creative practitioners and businesses in developing sustainable practices.

Applicants should note that the primary usage of the word ‘sustainable’ in relation to this fund refers to the capability of creative practices and businesses to be sustained within the creative economy, with the creative network’s purpose being to support this.

This fund will support existing creative networks to undertake new activity as well as activity to establish new creative networks. To reflect this distinction there are two award levels:

Deadline for applications: Monday 5 August 2024, 12 noon. Funded activity will begin from Mon 16 September 2024 and be complete by Sun 31 August 2025. Representative(s) of the successful networks will be expected to attend two development sessions online in October 2024 (dates TBC), and a final sharing session in summer 2025 (date TBC).

Alongside the funding guidance, we are regularly updating an FAQ with questions about the fund. Please take time to read this before sending a question – you’re most welcome to get in touch if your query hasn’t already been answered.

The fund must be used to support activity for a local creative network which includes:

This fund is open to applications from groups, collectives, social enterprises, charities, community interest companies and creative support organisations, cultural and leisure trusts, local authorities and national companies (please note full information within the fund guidance regarding eligibility for specific award levels). Creative Scotland Regular Funded Organisations are not eligible to apply to this fund.

The Create:Networks total funding available is £120,000. The fund is managed and delivered by Scotland’s Creative Networks, led by Creative Dundee, with support from The National Lottery through Creative Scotland.

Key dates

Got a question?

If you have any questions about the application process, guidance or application form, please contact with the subject line ‘Create:Networks enquiry’. We’ll aim to get back to you within a week of receiving your email (though please note that we’ll be unable to respond to questions before the deadline after Thu 1 August). Thanks in advance for waiting to hear from us.

Below you’ll find a list of questions submitted to us throughout the application period – last updated Thu 1 August.

Q. Is it possible to meet / have a phone call to discuss applying?

A. As we’re a small team with limited capacity, we’re unfortunately unable to meet or take calls to discuss applications. You’re welcome to send questions to with the subject line ‘Create:Networks enquiry’.

Q. Are you accepting applications from outwith Dundee?

A. Yes! Creative Dundee is leading on the delivery of the fund but it is open to groups and organisations based in Scotland.

Q. What’s the distinction between a new network and an existing network?

A. Within the context of the fund, we would define an existing network to be a network/project where activity to galvanise, connect and provide support to creative practitioners/businesses as a ‘formal’ network has taken place – the application would need to clearly state ambition to grow and sustain the network beyond its existing activity, and outline what new activity the fund would support. A new network would be where this sort of activity hasn’t yet taken place, supported by evidence of demand. Applicants will be best placed to determine where their proposal sits.

Q. What do you mean by ‘local’ for a local creative network?

A. When it comes to networks being ‘local’, applicants should detail that their activity will be targeted to specific places/areas, rather than being undefined by place or open to anyone (i.e. across Scotland). We understand that some proposals will cross local authority areas for good reason and wouldn’t want to inhibit projects purely to keep them inside local authority areas – however, proposals will need to specify areas and be clear that activity would be localised.

Q. Can the fund be used to support a national network?

A. Unfortunately not. Create:Networks is focussed on supporting the development of local creative networks only.

Q. What types of activities are eligible for network funding?

A. This is entirely up to the applicant. Applicants will know their networks or potential networks of creative practitioners/businesses best, and be best placed to determine what sort of activity would enable them to establish greater sustainability in what they do through a year-long programme of activity and support.

Q. Can I apply as an individual?

A. You can apply as an individual, yes – what would be necessary would be being able to provide clear evidence of demand for the sort of network you’d like to develop, alongside how your proposal is rooted in the needs of the network’s participants.

In essence, we want to ensure that those applying – particularly if for a new network – are clear in that the ambitions of their proposal respond to the needs of those they’re looking to support, rather than creating something that is of interest to them as an individual and hoping that others will be interested.

Q. Are proposed networks expected to be of a certain size, i.e. similar to those listed in the guidance under Scotland’s Creative Networks?

A. The fund is open to proposals of all sizes, and that there’s no expectation of applicants to propose networks of a similar size to the listed Scotland’s Creative Networks representatives in the guidance.

Q. I am unable to share the exact names of people/groups/communities who would be involved in my project at this time. Will this affect my proposal?

A. Whilst naming possible participants is not vital, we would suggest giving an indication of the types of participants who you would be hoping to include / evidence of demand to illustrate who’d you’re hoping to support.

[Please note: the application form question ‘If more than one group/organisation is part of the proposal, please list others here:’ is about listing groups/organisations who are involved in your proposal, rather than participants of your project.]

Q. Our organisation is registered in England but works in Scotland. Are we eligible to apply with a proposal for a network in Scotland?

A. Provided your proposal makes clear that the benefit to a network/participants sits in Scotland and confirms that all activity would take place in Scotland, you would be eligible to apply.

Q. When will successful projects receive funding?

A. We will award funding in two instalments: 60% upfront in September 2024 and 40% on completion of the project in August 2025. We are happy to discuss alternative payment options to best suit the recipient, with the understanding that 40% will be paid after the project’s completion.

Q. Can I propose a network where participation requires payment?

A. Yes, you can propose a network that is membership/subscription-based – though we would encourage you to consider how a proposal could demonstrate the inclusive nature of the activity you do or would like to build upon, and how it can ensure that cost does not exclude potential participants.

Q. Can an applicant submit more than one proposal?

A. Yes, applicants can submit more than one application to the fund. We’re expecting high demand for the fund across a wide range of approaches to local creative networks across Scotland, but all eligible applications will be assessed.

Q. Our organisation has applied for Multi-Year Funding from Creative Scotland, but is not currently a Regular Funded Organisation (RFO). Are we eligible to make an application?

A. If you have applied for Multi-Year Funding but your organisation is not currently a Creative Scotland RFO, you would be eligible to make an application.

Q. We are not a social enterprise, charity, community interest company or creative support organisation – are we eligible to apply as an existing network for £20,000?

A. In order to be able to apply as an existing network for £20,000, you need to apply as an organisation (i.e. a social enterprise, charity, community interest company or creative support organisation) and able to clearly state ambition to grow and sustain the network beyond its existing activity, outlining what new activity the fund would support.

Proposals for networks run by groups/collectives (i.e. unincorporated groups, that are not incorporated organisations of any kind), whether new or existing, are eligible to apply for up to £10,000. Proposals for new networks from organisations are eligible to apply for up to £10,000.

Q. What sort of evidence of demand should I include in my application?

A. Evidence of demand could take the form of things like detailing previous activity, feedback/insights from people, research or information on current informal networks. We want to ensure that applicants – particularly if they’re a new network – are clear in that the ambitions of their proposal respond to the needs of those they’re looking to support, rather than creating something that is of interest to them as an individual and hoping that others will be interested.

Q. What artforms does ‘creative practitioner / business’ refer to within the fund?

A. Creative specialisms/artforms are broadly defined as being: multi-artform; craft; dance; design; literature; music; theatre; visual arts; digital; screen; and creative industries. This can include the following creative industries sub-sectors: architecture; fashion and textiles; product, graphic and service design; comics; the performing arts; illustration; music publishing; photography; games; radio; and writing and publishing. We recognise that creative practitioners and businesses exist in other areas too; please contact us for clarification if you’re uncertain about eligibility.

Q. Would payment of the fund to individuals (rather than organisations) affect their personal tax?

A. We’re unfortunately unable to advise on enquiries regarding personal tax, and recommend that people seek advice from an accountant regarding financial questions.

As noted in an above question, we will award funding in two instalments: 60% upfront in September 2024 and 40% on completion of the project in August 2025. This information may help with financial planning. We are open to flexibility in how we distribute money to individual practitioners as an organisation, as we know that chunks of income can impact people’s universal credit and benefits, for example. We are happy to discuss alternative payment options to best suit the recipient, with the understanding that 40% will be paid after the project’s completion.

Q. I can’t edit the outline budget template. Can you give me access to edit it?

A. We are asking folks to download the outline budget template document and edit it on their own devices, before saving your budget outline as a PDF and emailing it to with the subject line ‘Create:Networks application – budget outline’. We’re unable to give people to access the original template as this file is for everyone to download and use, and therefore it cannot be edited.

Applicants need to submit their budget outlines before Mon 5 August 2024, 12 noon, otherwise their applications will be considered ineligible. You will receive a response from Jen acknowledging receipt. If you’re having trouble downloading the file, please get in touch with

Create:Networks design by Kate Scarlet Harvey

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