Creative Dundee

Residence Residence at Generator Projects

Join Generator Projects to relax in their living room and explore what being a working artist looks like in new exhibition ‘Residence Residence’.

Generator Projects present Residence Residence, an experimental project looking at entanglements of art, work and leisure, investigating how blurring their differences may offer forms of resistance to the predatory market capitalism of the bourgeois art world and asking, what is “being an artist” and what does it mean to pay artists a wage to just “be artists”?

️Three Dundee-based artists – Jae Lawson, Laura Moorhouse, and Anna Rooney – will be paid to work in one gallery for 37 hours over a three-week period with no contracted requirement to reach set outcomes for exhibition. The artists will also undertake admin tasks and will be on display to visitors as they do so.

Simultaneously, Generator’s other gallery will house a living room which they describe as “a comfortable space where visitors are welcomed to linger without the expectation of paying money in a café to justify their existence in a cultural space”. Visitors will also be free to interact with provided art materials and to contribute to the project. Works by visitors will be hung as part of the exhibition.

Tue 17 Sept–Fri 4 Oct
Tue–Sat, 12pm–8pm

Closing Party:
Sat 5 Oct

Generator Projects
25/26 Mid Wynd Industrial Estate
DundeeDD1 4JG

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