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By law, all public bodies must have an AGM which gives them a chance to elect the board of directors, inform their members of previous and future activities and review fiscal information for the past year. Sounds a hoot doesn’t it? Well, no, not really which is why local curatorial collective Yuck n Yum have decided to hold an Annual General Karaoke instead which takes place at the city’s Chamber East building on Saturday 24th September at 7pm.
The AGK sees creatives from all over Scotland devise, direct and edit their own Karaoke videos which are then performed on the night for an array of glittering prizes. The previous year’s AGK was hugely successful with submissions coming from far and wide and ranging from the mind-bogglingly visual (Rachel Maclean’s version of Lady Gaga’s ‘Papparazzi), the cute (Derek Lodge & Andrea Sayers animation to They Might Be Giants ‘Birdhouse In Your Soul’), and the comedic (Deliberate Crumbs ‘Allotments’). Have a look at all the videos here.
Yuck n Yum was created in 2005 by Andrew Maclean who self published and distributed the art zine whenever he could. Since then the collective has grown in numbers and stature and now has five members and an ever-growing list of publications and special one-off events to their name. The next edition will be out soon but in the meantime make sure you’re at Chamber East this Saturday for what promises to be one of the highlights of the Autumn!