Creative Dundee

European Capital of Culture 2023 Symposium

Venue: Dalhousie Building // Dates: 22 August // Time: 1-5pm // Booking

Come along to a special symposium, presenting talks and discussions with a number of experienced IN SITU artists and the European Capital of Culture Dundee 2023 team. Moderated by Beth Bate, Director at the DCA, discussion with the audience and a group of specialists will focus on the potential of Dundee’s West Ward Works as a cultural facility, accessing and delivering international collaborations and tendencies in the development of Art in Public Space.

IN SITU is a pan-European network of 25 partners in 17 countries who advocate, commission, co-produce and distribute the work of artists in all art forms in public space. Within the context of European Capitals of Culture, the afternoon will investigate the type of creative work being developed across Europe, drawing upon the experience of our artist guests. This section will include a discussion on European identity, accessing opportunities, making collaborations work across borders and across art forms.

The Symposium will be preceded by a tour of West Ward Works led by David Cook. David is Project Director of the development of DC Thomson’s former print works into a cultural and creative hub, exploring a range of possible uses of the space as a cultural venue, business incubator and innovation centre.

For more information on attending the tour, please email Neil Cooney on

As well as an insight into international networking and the European Capital of Culture programme, the event will offer a crucial guide for artists and producers seeking to work outside both their home country and their comfort zone.

While you’re here, have a look at Veronica Simpson’s Pecha Kucha talk at West Wards Works, about how we design our built environment.


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