Bridges bars and barberism is Viktoria Begg‘s first exhibition, featuring her stunning images of Dundee, New York and barber shops!
Viktoria has been taking photographs since she was given a Polaroid camera for her 10th birthday; and over the last few decades she’s amassed thousands of images from across the globe – with a love for photographing strangers, all things American, abandoned and decaying.
Viktoria has worked in the performing arts for 20 years, starting out as a stage manager and now currently works at Dundee Rep as the Theatre’s Administrator. At the Rep she enjoys working with many inspiring and talented people and frequently takes photographs of workshops and performances; many of these images have been used for promotional material and brochures.
Over the last 2 years she has been photographing Barber shops in different countries and was delighted, when local barber Benjamin Barker Barber Shop, decided to use her images on their website, as well as exhibiting them in their shop. She has also taken images for Two Dolls Headquarters and Heart Space Dundee website.
Bloompapers, a Barcelona based company, signed Viktoria last year as a Bloom Artist, and they have transformed a selection of Viktoria’s images into full sized wall murals. You can also buy her work through the Windsor Gallery, Benjamin Barkers and Lovely Things.
Bridges bars and barberism
Saturday 4th February 2012 – exhibition runs for a month.
Venue: Freedom Hairdressing, 17 Dock Street Dundee, DD1 3DP