Creative Dundee

Call to Action!

CD call

Creative Dundee
needs new Guest Bloggers!

Here at Creative
Dundee we want to create a dynamic little snap shot of the creative goings-on
in our fine city. CD’s founding father, (Lyall to most of us!) set the blog up
many moons ago as a way of connecting and celebrating the various talents of us
arty lot this side of the Tay.

And we do have a
lot to celebrate. We have some of the best illustrators, graphic designers, jewelers, game designers, musicians, animators and textile designers right here in the City of Discovery, not to mention fantastic establishments like Duncan of Jordanstone, The DCA and The Rep. Dundee is a melting pot of talents and
skills which we should be fiercely proud of.

We could do with
a little help from time to time though!

So, if you are a
member of Dundee’s growing creative community (designer, curator, musician, tutor,
design groupie…we welcome you all!) and fancy doing a few guest posts, drop either

Jo or Lyall a line.


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