Creative Dundee

Say hello!

Do you have anything you want to get in touch with Creative Dundee about? We are always interested in hearing about what is going on in Dundee and discussing potential collaborations.

Who is best to speak to?


We feature a range of creative and cultural practices and represent a variety of voices on our online platforms.

We do this through original features like interviews, digital events, guest blogs, videos, social media takeovers and more. We have active social channels and send a monthly News Mail Out to 2,000 people.

Contact Freya, our Digital Producer, if you’ve got something to share.

Contact Freya


We produce a range of events, such as PechaKucha Night Dundee, and also co-develop programming in collaboration with other organisations.

We also host our Amps network, which connects people across the city who are creative and/or support creativity in the city, through events and Ampersand+.

Contact Jen, our Programmes Producer, if you’d like to be involved in our events.

Contact Jen


We are big on collaborations of all shapes and sizes—with individuals, organisations and businesses. We work with local, national and international partners to run contracts and partnerships which offer opportunities for people in and around the city.

Contact Gillian, our Director, if you would like to discuss collaborative projects or commission Creative Dundee.

Contact Gillian

Creative Climate

We facilitate spaces and programmes, convening perspective and providing opportunities to imagine and act together for a better tomorrow.

Notably with our recent pilot project CULTIVATE, placing creativity at the heart of climate justice; our community climate action focused partnership with Dundee Changemakers Hub, including Press Change; and our ongoing Fabric peer-learning journey.

Contact Claire, our Creative Climate Producer, if you would like to discuss ideas and collaborative working.

Contact Claire

Creative Spaces

We’re passionate about creating spaces in the city that allow us to share, create and collaborate better.

We’re also lead-collaborator for Hapworks, making creative spaces more visible and valued, and demonstrating their role in city-regeneration.

Contact Eilish, our Creative Spaces Producer, if you would like to discuss ideas for creative space or have a space you think could support creative collaborations.

Contact Eilish

You can keep up to date with creative activities across the city by signing up to our monthly News Mail Out.

Postal Address

Creative Dundee
VRC 2:03
Dundee Contemporary Arts
152 Nethergate


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