Bones, Bottles & Brains: Teaching Anatomy in Dundee & St Andrews 1880–1900 is a free talk by Dr Jessica M Dandona, US-UK Fulbright Scholar 2018-19, currently based at DJCAD, at the D’Arcy Thompson Zoology Museum, Carnelley Building, University of Dundee on Tuesday 23 July 2019, 6pm.
This fascinating talk will discuss how materials such as wax models, teaching charts and human specimens were used to teach anatomy to Medical School students at University College Dundee and the University of St Andrews at the end of the 19th century.
How did these two very different institutions, one venerable and another only recently founded, come together to create a Medical School? This talk will reconstruct what it might have been like to be a medical student in the 1890s – from the lecture theatre to the dissecting room, when and where did students study the body – and how? To accompany the talk there will be some of the original anatomical models on display.
The talk is free but places should be booked.
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