Creative Dundee

GENERATORprojects Members’ Show 2020

GENERATORprojects return with their annual Members’ Show exhibition from February 8th to March 1st 2020 which will highlight the important and varied work being completed by the membership of Dundee’s oldest artist-run initiative.

The exhibition will take place at GENERATORprojects, 25/26 Mid Wynd Industrial Estate, Dundee, DD1 4JG with the opening night taking place on Friday 7th February from 6-9pm.

There will also be the opportunity to check out the newly released official membership pack which outlines all the discounts available in the GENERATORprojects membership.


If you enjoy Creative Dundee’s work……

…would you consider becoming one of our Amps Supporters? Besides helping us connect and amplify creativity in the city, you get access to lots of perks, like reduced-priced Pecha Kucha tickets, meet-ups with other Amps and eligibility to apply for our Community Ideas Fund – each subscription makes the fund bigger. Find out more and join the community here!


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