Current DJCAD PhD student Miriam Mallalieu and recent graduate Daniel Twist will be exhibiting at Generator Projects on Mid Wynd, Dundee from 29th March to 18th April 2019.
Miriam has won several prizes for her artwork including the John Kinross Scholarship (2017) and the RSA Prize and Watters Maclane Medal (2013) from The Royal Scottish Academy (RSA). While Daniel graduated from Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art and Design in 2018 and is currently showing work at the prestigious RSA: New Contemporaries show in Edinburgh.
Together their exhibition ‘A Description of the Visible’, opening this Friday, will explore ideas of meaning and knowledge, how images and objects are understood and organised, and what structures determine this meaning.
Mallalieu explains: “This is the first opportunity I’ve had to show a collection of pieces together. Each piece was made independently from the other, but it’s only when looking at everything together that you see you’ve been trying to tell the same story: which is that things can never really be understood. I work with delicate materials – tiny pieces of paper, porcelain, thread – and am interested in how these things are brought together into forms that change their meaning or place importance on things that are generally overlooked.
“I saw Daniel’s work at the degree show last year and his attempts to organise the same fragmentary information resonated with me. It’s really refreshing to work with someone who is newly graduated and to show work at a gallery that I have loved visiting for over ten years.”
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