Lunchtime Talk:  The Birth of Video Games in Dundee

Date: Wednesday 27 March // Venue: V&A Dundee // Time: 12pm // Tickets

Come along for the latest lunchtime talk at V&A Dundee where Professor Gregor White will chart the path of Dundee’s videogames industry. From Timex to the waterfront, Gregor will discuss some of the twists and turns on the road to respectability.

As Dean of Design & Informatics and Professor of Applied Creativity at Abertay University, Gregor has played an active part in the Dundee Games Cluster including being Co-Director of InGAME, a groundbreaking R&D collaboration driving product, technology and process innovation in gaming.

Bring your lunch along and join this free talk as they look forward to opening the next exhibition Videogames: Design/Play/Disrupt. Tickets are free but booking is recommended.

Image by Gregor White


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