Creative Dundee

Community Spaces

These community led spaces are valuable places to meet, share skills and collectively imagine the future. They provide spaces, creative resources and varied programmes which make creativity inclusive and accessible with many available to book for community focused workshops, consultations and events.

Art Angel

For over 25 years Art Angel has provided a space for creativity alongside mental health support. From their large and welcoming space in the city centre, they run an art group, photography group and creative writing group for ages 16 and above, as well as groups specifically for young adults and young men. @artangel_dundee

Blend at Dock Street Studios

An cosy independent coffee lounge that is a popular spot for many in Dundee’s creative community. The space is available to hire for events, and they regularly host their own programme including creative workshops, live open mic nights, and more. @blend_dockstreet / @blend_creates

City Flowers Garden Studio

Located at the Keiller Centre, this community space has a focus on creative industry, local environment and urban planning issues. City Flowers Garden Studio host a programme of events and exhibitions to explore these topics through music, spoken word, art, community growing projects and creative workshops. @cityflowers_gardenstudio

Dundee Community Craft

A local more-than-profit organisation led by jeweller and service designer Stephanie Graham. Dundee Community Craft provides craft education as a form of improving mental health and well-being, offering a range of bespoke craft courses and partnering with third and public-sector organisations. Anyone can book to take part in the selection of workshops run from their studio at Wasps Meadow Mill. @dundeecommunitycraft

Dundee Community Gardens Network

Often overlooked creative spaces, Dundee is home to a wealth of beautiful community gardens and growing spaces all across the city that provide workshops and community events. Most are open to the public and have regular volunteer sessions.  Further information on all the gardens, their opening times and events can be found on

Image credit: Lydia Smith

ScrapAntics Community Space

A large open plan community space in the Wellgate Centre which regularly hosts events, workshops, and community groups. The community space is welcoming, adaptable and available for hire. Opening times vary and are dependent on programmed events. @scrapantics

More Dundee Spaces

  • Coworking Spaces

    Coworking Spaces

  • Cultural Centres

    Cultural Centres

  • Public Art

    Public Art


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