Creative Dundee

International Women’s Day 2019 – a look back

March 8th sees the celebration of International Women’s Day. As per tradition, we have compiled some contributions from amazing women into Creative Dundee’s programme over the last year – Pecha Kucha talks, interviews, blogs, etc…

Through March all of our original features will be made by women in Dundee discussing creativity, work, culture and much more! But for today, enjoy some of the most memorable picks from our archives!

PKN20 Emma Jones


Two Minutes w/ Leena Nammari


Split Screen: Cat MacPhee and Amy Parent


PKN22 Fi Munro


Actual Affordable Fashion by Maryam Deeni

Blog: Actual Affordable Fashion

PKN21 Janice Aitken


PKN22 Sekai Machace


Networking: Can It Not Be So Horrible by Erin Stevenson

Networking: Can it not be so horrible?


Quin Looks Back at PKN21


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