Creative Dundee

There are 128 results for the search term: "Amps Meet-Up"

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The Queer Dot Open Call

The queer arts collective The Queer Dot is on the look out for submissions of fine art for their next exhibition.


Street Poster Open Call from NEoN

NEoN Digital Arts Festival are offering an opportunity for up to three emerging Dundee-based artists to exhibit poster works across the city.


Dundee Design Census 2019

UNESCO City of Design Dundee helps Dundee's Design community stay connected. As part of their commitment to champion Dundee's designers, they are undertaking a Dundee Design Census.



Serendipities is a cosy, quirky space in the form of a cafe dedicated to creating and inspiring social change. Based at a quiet, relaxed corner on Union Street.


The Pioneering Story of Public Art in Dundee

The Pioneering Storu of Public Art in Dundee exhibition runs between 3 August – 26 October 2019 and will be open Mon-Fri 9.30am-7pm, Sat 1-5pm. It will be accompanied by a series of tours, talks and workshops including a study day with talks by artists and researchers on Sat 26 Oct.


After Dune by Adebusola Ramsay

Guest curator, Sekai Machache has been invited by GENERATORprojects to curate their Summer Residency programme with an exhibition showcasing the work of other black women artists based in Scotland.


The Circle Academy

The Circle Academy is a 12-week training programme developed to change the mindset and knowledge of candidates involved in More Than Profit businesses.


DJCAD Masters Show ’19

Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art & Design's Masters Show celebrates transformative design and visually stunning art from seven of the UK's most innovative and exciting postgraduate courses


Photographer of the Year at Dock Street Studios

Dock Street Studios will be hosting the SCOTTISH LANDSCAPE PHOTOGRAPHER OF THE YEAR for its first ever exhibit in Dundee. The exhibit will run from the 2nd of August until the 30th of September.


Mini-Docs on Dundee’s Creativity

Ameena Deeni is developing a documentay project and needs your help! The project will be an 8-part mini documentary featuring the hobbies and creativity of Muslim women in Dundee.


Applications Open for the John Byrne Award

The John Byrne Award is an online exhibition and creative competition open to 16-30 year olds living in Scotland. The deadlines: 31 July 2019 for £250 prize; 31 Jan 2020 for £2500 prize.


Bones, Bottles & Brains

Bones, Bottles & Brains: Teaching Anatomy in Dundee & St Andrews 1880–1900 is a free talk by Dr Jessica M Dandona, US-UK Fulbright Scholar 2018-19, currently based at DJCAD at the D’Arcy Thompson Zoology Museum, Carnelley Building, University of Dundee on Tuesday 23 July 2019, 6pm.


Typography Treasure Hunt!

Hunt for typography treasure around Dundee’s city centre. Follow your treasure map, complete the photo challenges and win amazing prizes! Free, for all ages. 


Craft Scotland Opportunities

Craft Scotland helps people learn about, appreciate and buy craft, promoting the contribution of craft to Scotland’s cultural, economic and social well-being. 


OPEN CALL: Society of Scottish Artists 2019/20

Society of Scottish Artists and Visual Arts Scotland invite artists from across the world to apply to be part of the biggest show of contemporary art in Scotland.


Summer Streets Festival 2019

Dundee Summer Street Festival returns in 2019! An unmissable yearly event in Dundee, this year's festival theme is Explorations - an apt description of what you get to do on the 20th and 21st of July across the city centre!


This Changes Everything / Screening

The Gate Church Carbon Saving Project aims to help the local community adopt low carbon lifestyles while providing help to those experiencing poverty across Dundee.


Midsummer Game Jam 2019

Midsummer Jam is a creative jam, open for both games and non-games to be created and showcased! It will take place at Abertay University, but is open to everyone! It's a free and environmentally friendly event.


NEoN’s React: Open for Submissions!

NEoN Digital Arts Festival's theme this year is REACT. It will be exploring how artists use digital systems to effect change within our social and political realities.


99 Things to See and Do in Dundee 2019

With the help of people who live in the city and love it, we’ve just launched our 99 Things to See and Do in Dundee Guide 2019 crowdsourced city guide!



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