Creative Dundee

There are 113 results for the search term: ""CULTIVATE""

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Project Echo Workshops

Project Echo – from CULTIVATE Creative Practitioner Jaz Grady – invite young artists to join them this August for a series of creative workshops.


News Mail Out 112

Here's a full breakdown of news, events, opportunities and content available in Dundee over the month of August!


Open call: Mural Wall Space for Project Echo

Project Echo – from CULTIVATE Creative Practitioner Jaz Grady – seek wall space for community murals in Perth and Kinross.


Blog: Unlocking Imagination and Agency through Creativity

Our Creative Climate Producer Claire Dufour, reflects on two years of CULTIVATE, the programme's ambitions, and its invaluable ongoing work driven by creative practitioners.


Blog: Oral Tradition, Environmental Justice, and Emotional Relationality

CULTIVATE Creative Practitioner Amadu Khan shares a moment of cross-cultural connection and reflects on the power of storytelling.


Blog: In Search of Answers

CULTIVATE Creative Practitioner Vinishree Verma reflects on a deep dive back in time at a recent visit to the Scottish Crannog Centre.


Amps Meet-Up: Summer Social 2023!

Join us on Fri 9 June for an evening of conversation, connecting and sharing with our Amps network.


Blog: Positivity in Rural Perthshire

CULTIVATE Creative Practitioner Jaz Grady reflects on the joy of spending time with one another and the power of positive procrastination.


News Mail Out 106

Here's a full breakdown of news, events, opportunities and content available in Dundee over the month of February!


Our Year in Review 2022

Each year we put together some highlights and reflections on everything we’ve been working on! Here’s our 2022 edition – looking back on a year of growth, community and the power of connection.


Blog: Growing Community at Fair Growing Green

We are reminiscing about sunnier days with Creative Spaces Producer, Eilish, and reflecting on our project this summer at Dundee’s new community garden, Fair Growing Green.


Blog: Poverty & Climate Action

Our Access Producer, Jordan, reflects on our #CultivateTay Poverty & Climate Action event in Forfar.


Amps Forum 2022

We're inviting our Amps network to come together for our final event of 2022, where we vote on our annual Community Ideas Fund!


Blog: Diversity & Climate Justice

Creative Dundee's Access Producer, Jordan, reflects on the first event in our #CultivateTay Climate Justice Series.


News Mail Out 103

Here's a full breakdown of news, events, opportunities and content available in Dundee over the month of November!


Now Open: Community Ideas Fund 2022

The Community Ideas Fund 2022 is now open for applications! Amps can team up and pitch a new, creative collaboration to benefit Dundee.


Festival of the Future 2022

Festival of the Future is back, celebrating shared experiences, connecting with nature, health and wellbeing, and celebrating and protecting our spaces and places.


Amps Meet-Up: Autumn Gathering 2022!

Join us on Tue 27 September for an evening of connection, discussion and conversation at our autumn Amps Meet-Up!


Creative Dundee’s Annual Activities Overview 2021/22

We reflect on our initiatives, new developments and everything else we’ve been up to over 2021/22. Alongside our four pillars, Amplify, Connect, Collaborate and Cultivate, that guide our work, we reflect on three defined key intersectional issues facing those in the city and creative industries in the development of all that we do. With our evolving understanding of these issues, these focuses are: Justice, Wellbeing and Sustainability.


Blog: Creativity, Gardening and Wellbeing

Local artists, designers, makers and community gardeners tell us about how their practices benefit their sense of personal wellbeing.



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